Airtoyz Adventure Ranch
A Guest Ranch for Adventurers and Their Families!
Airtoyz RC Aviatorz Club
Airtoyz RC Aviatorz Club...
Airtoyz RC Aviatorz Club is a private AMA sanctioned club based at
Airtoyz RC Airfield for RC & model aircraft of all types and all scales, RC & model gliders, RC & model helicopters, static-line model aircraft, & drone enthusiasts.
Each month we will have organized competitions, with our monthly meeting and a cookout afterwards. Every other weekend of the month we will have casual competitions with a pot-luck cookout afterwards. We will hold two nationally advertised events each year that will be open to non-members and the public to promote the sport. A private Facebook page and a newsletter will help us connect and make plans. Club facilities to include: 'Airtoyz RC Airfield', with a 1200' x 400' All/Way AMA registered airfield and four 100' circular pads, set-up tables, control stations, shade structures, spectator seating, group storage facilities, and nearby restrooms. Club members will develop and maintain a community outreach program to increase membership, organize events and competitions, and fund-raise as desired for non-field related activities. Requires proof of current AMA membership.
'Basic Membership' includes 1 year, day use of:
Airtoyz RC Airfield, access to all Airtoyz RC Aviatorz Club related facilities, activities, and events; 10% discount on services; 10% discount on training; 10% discount on rental equipment; 5% discount on equipment purchases.
'Premium Membership' includes 1-year, day use use of:
Airtoyz RC Airfield, access to all Airtoyz RC Aviatorz Club related facilities, activities, and events.
PLUS 1 year, 24-hour use of all 'Airtoyz Adventure Ranch' 'Premium Member' facilities, activities, and events; 1 year unlimited overnight parking; 1 year access to semi-private, long-term cargo container or hangar storage space (as available); 15% discount on services; 15% discount on training; 15% discount on rental equipment; 5% discount on equipment purchases.
- We Support -
The United States of America
 United States Powered Paragliding Assoc.
 Aero Sports Connection
 United States Ultralight Association
 North American Blokart Sailing Association
 International Blokart Racing Association
 American Kitefliers Association
 Ivanpah Buggy eXpo
 Academy of Model Aeronautics
 Remotely Operated Auto Racers
 National Association of Rocketry